Monday, October 16, 2017


KEOLA (keh-oh-lah) is the mascot of the Makaʻiwa Keiki Project. 
Keola welcomes everyone to learn the Hawaiian Language with him 
at the Fishpond Village of Niumalu (nee-ooh-mah-loo)!

The busy residents of Fishpond Village maintain the Fishponds, or 
Loko Iʻa (loh-koh  ee • uh)

where fish are raised to provide a food resource for the island of 
Kauaʻi (kah-wuh • ee).

Come along with Keola in his adventures in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi!

ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi
(oh-leh-loh  hah-vye • ee)

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